Thursday, November 10, 2011

Privacy & Confidentiality

The issues of privacy and confidentiality is greatly related to new media. It is on the news all the time. Because almost everyone you know is on a social networking site, privacy and confidentiality is compromised. Everything you post on these social networking site is now public information. Anyone who clicks on your profile page would know who you. They may be able to see your personal information such as full name, phone number, school, birthday, home address, etc. Basically whatever you filled out in order to join the site. Therefore it is EXTREMELY important to set your privacy setting and limit the amount of personal information you are willing to give out. These sites are a big target for identity theft and companies to find what people are like. You should check out to see what they have found about you by putting together information on all public sources. It is pretty shocking of what is public.

1 comment:

  1. Charlie, I'm glad you know how important it is to make sure your settings are private. I did that topic for my research paper and really learned alot about it. If only everyone else took it seriously too!
